(Most Recent First)
February 2016 - Self Driving Cars - the missing stats
> A good way to beef up security
> Understand the "meta data" in your photos
January 2016 - Self Driving Cars and the Trolley Problem
> Cybersecurity - a growing threat
>How we search is changing Google's fortunes
December 2015 - Uber- Prices May Vary - a lot!
> Online Security - a growing threat
> Gmail - where do I start
November 2015 - Scammers, Loyalty Programs and the New Alphabet
> Google now owns the Alpahbet!
> Could scammers kill loyalty programs?
October 2015 - Home Security and the Internet of Things
> Maybe it's time to freeze your credit score
> So many Androids - decisions, decisions
September 2015 - Ransomware - a growing threat
> Our new car - call me a Luddite
> Criminal exploit Windows 10 upgrade process
August 2015 - How to recognize suspicious websites
> The darkside of the Internet of Things
> First annual iOT survey
July 2015 - Amzazon Echo - your new intelligent assistant
> Time to spring for a new Android tablet?
> Notice: your points are about to expire!
June 2015 - Ready or not Windows 10 is coming
> Recommendations on a new Android phone
> Google's "smart fabric" - a new kind of clothing
> Windows 10 coming this summer
May 2015 - New Google search policy is disturbing
> Billions and billions of ways to share files - at least it seems like it!'
> SURVEY - What mobile devices do you use?
> Privacy concerns extend into healthcare
April 2015 - Credit card changes will be dramatic
> Self driving cards - it's not all about Google
> Because we can - the curse of modern software
> Basic photography lesson
March 2015 - Faster than a speeding FedEx truck
> More dorky glasses coming
> Apple is dominating the mobile market - Samsung second
> What's up with Branson - first fun survey
February 2015 A fatal flaw in our social networks
> With all the new online gadgets, you may need another nerd - or two
> Google Glass pulled from consumer market - ready for a do over
January 2015 - What Samsung can learn from Downton Abbey
> The future of tablets
> Have you tried still/video photography - capturing stills from action videos
December 2014 - Facebook looks for the next billion
> What Google knows and thinks about you
> Tech giants searching for the next big thing - moonshots they're called
> Kodak camera in 1888 foreshadowed - modern era
November 2014 - Get ready to dump those pesky credit cards
> Can "connected" television sets be dangerous?
> Are self driving cars coming to a street near you?
> Simple apps grow in power with each release
October 2014 - Apple 6 review and some great photo apps
> Hidden dangerous in new auto infotainment systems
> Here's where to start when looking for a new phone
September 2014 - Did Apple just define the Smartwatch?
> Internet quick quiz
> Ransom ware - the latest threat to your pc
> Check out low cost PCs
August 2014 - Hospitality industry primed to go and Google Loons coming?
> Preserving those precious memories - what to do with all those photos?
> DuckDuckGo - an alternative to a snooping browser
July 2014 - Samsung tablets and Facebook's psychological experiments
> Click and buy - what could be easier
> Eight steps to preserving those precious memories - a preview
June 2014 - Dilbert and Wally discuss the Internet of Things
> Connecting your TV to the Internet
> More advertising from Google - that's just great!
> Is your iPhone spying on you - probably.
May 2014 - It's not about plastics anymore
> Facebook and others announcing new apps
> Are you ready for an Amazon phone
> Camera comparison chart now available
April 2014 - Microsoft Office comes to the iPad
> End of the line for Windows XP
> New presentations now available
March 2014 - Beacons will be watching you and a Ferrari as a smartphone accessory
> Last month Bitcoins - now Beacons?
> Facebooks 19 Billion dollar culture clash
> Samsung breaks with Android for Smartwatch v.2
February 2014 - Surprise - you probably own an adult pacifier and mobile tech shakeout continues
> Android on Windows - Brilliance or Desperation
> 50 things you can do with Siri
> Thinning the herd - Sony gone, Motorola going
(Sorry - previous newsletters are no longer available)
January 2014 - Are wearable gadgets the next big thing?
> Consumer Electronics Show back in town
> Impress your friends with IoT
> GroupShot app fixes faces
December 2013 - Taking better winter photos and tablets galore
> A little tablet history
> Dropbox or Box - file sharing solutions abound
> Taking snow day pictures (snow is not grey!)
November 2013 - Printing without USB and Square cash is here
> No USB, what do you mean no USB!
> Are you ready for Square cash?
> Battery life can suffer with iOS 7
October 2013 - Apple ups the anti with a 64-bit iPhone and Samsung smartwatch reviews are in
> New iPhones and iOS 7 arrive
> Battery Life tips with iOS 7
> Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch now available
> Microsoft upgrading Surface Tablets
September 2013 - Can you really run office productivity apps on a tablet - and smartphones are here
> Renny to the Rescue
> App of the month - Dropbox
> Microsoft Office on a Tablet
> New camera lenses debut
August 2013 - Google steps up to the plate - and drops the other shoe
> Now it's Linked phishing schemes
> What's a Click Farm anyway?
> Did Google just drop the other shoe(phone)?
July 2013 - Technically Speaking - a whole new look - what do you think?
> The Apple (Empire) Strikes back
> Watch how entertainment is about to change
> Warning - don't take closeups of friends if you want to stay friends - the downside of cheap (phone) cameras
> App of the month - intellicast HD - weather app
June 2013 - Kazoos, Smartcars, Cucamonga, micro projectors and more
> A two company race
> My favorite apps
> Atari RIP - end of a gaming era
> Facebook phone flop
May 2013 - A simple fix for iPhone pics and Dorks are back
> Google Glass is here - well, almost
> Smartphone pictures not looking so great?
> Wireless speakers increasing in popularity
> Android is mostly Samsung
April 2013 - Why there's no purple in the rainbow and geriatric dentists
> Mobile Tech 101 class now available
> Is there a Dick Tracy watch in your future
> Native ads now sneaking up on you
> Getting ready to cut the cable?
March 2013 - Mobile security raising its ugly head and dying to Tweet
> New Mobile Tech 101 lecture now available
> Mobile device survey results
> Can you still Tweet when you are dead?
> The rapidly expanding conflicts in the wonderful world of Android
February 2013 - The mobile tech slog begins and your refrigerator may be watching you
> The interesting connection between Amazon - the biggest Android tablet seller - and Google
> Your refrigerator may be watching you and other CES silliness
> Minneapolis based Canopy announces new multi-touch iPhone case
January 2013 - Why "cheap" may not be the best deal and a 2013 prediction
> Microsoft tablet strategy could alienate partners
> Convergence is the word at 2013 CES
> Robots could be a disruptive force sooner than we think
> The beginning of the end for netbooks and eReaders
December 2012 - A guy using Apple maps walks into a bar - or maybe it's a church
> What's the deal with Apple maps anyway
> Christmas is coming and tablet decisions as well
> Looking for the perfect gift? - how about a connected TV
November 2012 - Microsoft tablet surfaces while Sandy shutters DC
> You can't buy love but you can buy "likes"
> Class action lawsuit may affect you
> Facebook gets all the press - LinkedIn may be the bigger story
October 2012 - A flock of new tablets means Christmas is coming
> Managing a "flock" of mobile devices
> Celebration and caution for iPhone users
> Shortened newsletters are here now
September 2012 - My app review is here; Windows tablets are coming and the dangers of Java
> Old video tapes degrading as you watch?
> Fending off the latest security threat
> The ongoing saga of dataplan changes
August 2012 - Photography, coming attractions and the OS Olympics
> Photography revisited
> Apple continues to break from Google
> Medium size tablets from Amazon and maybe Apple
July 2012 - Microsoft and Google bring tablet confusion and Verizon changes plans
> Microsoft and Google enter tablet fray
> Voyager I leaves the solar system - the ultimate mobile device
> iTunes likely to be reborn soon
June 2012 - Smartphones - dumb decisions, scary headlines and college computers
> How to choose a smartphone
> Choosing a computer for college
> Beer from and iPad!
> Windows 8 starts to roll out
> Lessons from the Facebook stock offering
May 2012 - Tablet choices, keyboards again and who are your friends really
> A 13 inch tablet and kid friendly versions as well
> Are we too connected for our own good
> Checking out the Samsung Galaxy Tab
> Touchscreens versus stuffed toy "grabbers"
April 2012 - Tablet keyboards make a difference and Scary Story Part 2
> Tablet or laptop - if only it were that simple
> Who's following you - part 2
> Confused about 4G
> Why small cameras can never be great cameras
March 2012 -The new iPad, what's 4G and who's watching you surf
> The "new"2012 iPad is here
> Is this a social media bubble
> Who's watching you - it turns out a lot of people
February 2012 - E-publishing; another applecart bites the dust
> New e-book publishing system introduced
> Yes you can run Windows on an iPad
> The Ultrabook - another choice in the quest for the perfect portable
January 2012 - That sure doesn't look like a camera
> Lightfield cameras
> Android upgrade issues
> Who are the current "big names" to watch
December 2011 - Modern Technology Glossary in plain English
>The Glossary is here
>Camera review
>Cell Phone Dataplans compared
November 2011 - What's the big deal with Siri and Android versus Apple again
> iPhone 4S review
> Android versus Apple - tablet versus smartphone
> Android is fragmented, does it matter?
October 2011 - Finally a new iPhone and demons in the mobile jungle
>The long delayed iPhone 4S - not 5 - is here
>HP, Motorola and other "giants" make waves in the mobile space
>A brief review of 4G cell phone service - it could drain your battery and your wallet
September 2011 - The all tablets all the time issue
>A detailed review of tablets and tablet issues
>The Microsoft effect
August 2011 - End of the Macbook and the Tech Market Today
>MacBook upstaged by sibling
>Apps galore - a look at my new favorites
>What's doing in tech today - a look at leading companies and products
July 2011 - Help, I'm drowning in acronyms and your student's next computer
>Are you paying too much for your dataplan?
>Surprise tech news about Harald I, King of Denmark
>Questions about the current and future iPad
June 2011 - Apple, Google and the Age of Cloud Computing - also the Rapture and Lady Gaga
>Mobile devices and the cloud
May 2011 - PCs, iPads and Five Wheeled Cars Plus More Cool Camera Apps
>Brief iPad review
>Feature wars and the five wheeled car
>Android upgrade report
>Cool photo editing apps
April 2011 - Camera Apps and Why the Experts Were Wrong
>A whole new way of looking at photography
>Are these people crazy?
>Why are there more apps for iPhones than for PCs
March 2011 - Viruses Threaten Smartphones and the iPad 2 Arrives
>What's the downside to Google's open Android OS?
>Charge cards they are achangin' - could NFC becoming soon?
>Touch screens are not all equal - try before you buy
February 2011 - Tablets - are they "Companion Computers?" and Don't friend the Queen!
>Tablet Facts
>The end of the Microsoft/Intel Era?
>We're running out of Internet addresses - fast!
January 2011 - Are Your Ready for Internet TV?
>Four questions before buying a new phone
>Ransomware - something else to worry about
>Great sources for information about Apple apps
>How Internet TV will change the our viewing habits
December 2010 - Getting Started with Mobile Devices and the End of an Age
>More of my favorite apps
>The Ugly Age of Computing
>News magazine dropping print subscriptions
>Android primer
November 2010 - Google and Apple - Coming soon to a living room near you and selecting an Android phone.
>Ebook readers for the holidays
>First salvos in the TV wars
>Bumping your phones - the new way to connect
October 2010 - Anniversary Issue: What a Difference a Year Makes and Another Camera Breakthrough.
>The Digital Dark Ages - a looming threat
>The tablet revolution is here
>Betters photos in sun and shade - even for the novice
>A technology refresher - back to the basics
September 2010 - Apples and Androids; Touch Screens and Facebook - again.
>Pen or stylus input
>More warnings on popular phishing schemes
>Three smartphone keyboards compared
August 2010 - Facebook's Future and Four Things You Need to Know.
>What about the Android OS?
>Don't Forget the PC
>The Party's Over with flat rates on data plans
>More ILC Cameras
July 2010 - Corporate Influence in Education and My First iPad Review.
>iPad Review: Part I
>Corporate Influence in Education - Undisclosed Connections
>New Name for New Four Thirds Cameras: Now ILCs
June 2010 - Computers and Congress - A Whole Lota Shakin' Goin' On.
>New Technology Giants Emerging
>"Convertible" Computers: Laptop and Tablet
>Is Print Dead?
>Will Congress Convert?
May 2010 - Buying a New Phone: You better be smarter than a fifth grader.
>Is the Age of Endless Upgrades Coming to an End?
>Smartphones: Making the Right Choice Just Got a Whole Lot Harder
April 2010 - Tablets, Netbooks and the Perfect Camera?
>New "Middle Class" Cameras Now Available
>Netbooks are a Bargain - What are the Pros and Cons?
March 2010 - Speech Recognition - Coming Soon to a Cell Phone Near You.
>Viruses, Worms and Botnets
>Battle of the Titans - Microsoft vs. Google
>We Need to Talk - Is Speech Recognition Ready
February 2010 - Tablets Versus eBooks - Hard Choices Ahead.
>Basic Digital Facts
>Tablet and eBook Comparison
January 2010 - Kiss Your Browser Goodbye
>Camera Controls Demystified
>A Whole New Internet Experience
>A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way
December 2009 - Cameras and the Cloud
>Decisions, Decisions - Compact or SLR Camera
>Cloud Computing
>Office Efficiency
November 2009 - Your Guide to Survival in the Digital Age
>Finding Great Photos
>VoIP Phones
>Office Technology Improvement
February 2016 - Self Driving Cars - the missing stats
> A good way to beef up security
> Understand the "meta data" in your photos
January 2016 - Self Driving Cars and the Trolley Problem
> Cybersecurity - a growing threat
>How we search is changing Google's fortunes
December 2015 - Uber- Prices May Vary - a lot!
> Online Security - a growing threat
> Gmail - where do I start
November 2015 - Scammers, Loyalty Programs and the New Alphabet
> Google now owns the Alpahbet!
> Could scammers kill loyalty programs?
October 2015 - Home Security and the Internet of Things
> Maybe it's time to freeze your credit score
> So many Androids - decisions, decisions
September 2015 - Ransomware - a growing threat
> Our new car - call me a Luddite
> Criminal exploit Windows 10 upgrade process
August 2015 - How to recognize suspicious websites
> The darkside of the Internet of Things
> First annual iOT survey
July 2015 - Amzazon Echo - your new intelligent assistant
> Time to spring for a new Android tablet?
> Notice: your points are about to expire!
June 2015 - Ready or not Windows 10 is coming
> Recommendations on a new Android phone
> Google's "smart fabric" - a new kind of clothing
> Windows 10 coming this summer
May 2015 - New Google search policy is disturbing
> Billions and billions of ways to share files - at least it seems like it!'
> SURVEY - What mobile devices do you use?
> Privacy concerns extend into healthcare
April 2015 - Credit card changes will be dramatic
> Self driving cards - it's not all about Google
> Because we can - the curse of modern software
> Basic photography lesson
March 2015 - Faster than a speeding FedEx truck
> More dorky glasses coming
> Apple is dominating the mobile market - Samsung second
> What's up with Branson - first fun survey
February 2015 A fatal flaw in our social networks
> With all the new online gadgets, you may need another nerd - or two
> Google Glass pulled from consumer market - ready for a do over
January 2015 - What Samsung can learn from Downton Abbey
> The future of tablets
> Have you tried still/video photography - capturing stills from action videos
December 2014 - Facebook looks for the next billion
> What Google knows and thinks about you
> Tech giants searching for the next big thing - moonshots they're called
> Kodak camera in 1888 foreshadowed - modern era
November 2014 - Get ready to dump those pesky credit cards
> Can "connected" television sets be dangerous?
> Are self driving cars coming to a street near you?
> Simple apps grow in power with each release
October 2014 - Apple 6 review and some great photo apps
> Hidden dangerous in new auto infotainment systems
> Here's where to start when looking for a new phone
September 2014 - Did Apple just define the Smartwatch?
> Internet quick quiz
> Ransom ware - the latest threat to your pc
> Check out low cost PCs
August 2014 - Hospitality industry primed to go and Google Loons coming?
> Preserving those precious memories - what to do with all those photos?
> DuckDuckGo - an alternative to a snooping browser
July 2014 - Samsung tablets and Facebook's psychological experiments
> Click and buy - what could be easier
> Eight steps to preserving those precious memories - a preview
June 2014 - Dilbert and Wally discuss the Internet of Things
> Connecting your TV to the Internet
> More advertising from Google - that's just great!
> Is your iPhone spying on you - probably.
May 2014 - It's not about plastics anymore
> Facebook and others announcing new apps
> Are you ready for an Amazon phone
> Camera comparison chart now available
April 2014 - Microsoft Office comes to the iPad
> End of the line for Windows XP
> New presentations now available
March 2014 - Beacons will be watching you and a Ferrari as a smartphone accessory
> Last month Bitcoins - now Beacons?
> Facebooks 19 Billion dollar culture clash
> Samsung breaks with Android for Smartwatch v.2
February 2014 - Surprise - you probably own an adult pacifier and mobile tech shakeout continues
> Android on Windows - Brilliance or Desperation
> 50 things you can do with Siri
> Thinning the herd - Sony gone, Motorola going
(Sorry - previous newsletters are no longer available)
January 2014 - Are wearable gadgets the next big thing?
> Consumer Electronics Show back in town
> Impress your friends with IoT
> GroupShot app fixes faces
December 2013 - Taking better winter photos and tablets galore
> A little tablet history
> Dropbox or Box - file sharing solutions abound
> Taking snow day pictures (snow is not grey!)
November 2013 - Printing without USB and Square cash is here
> No USB, what do you mean no USB!
> Are you ready for Square cash?
> Battery life can suffer with iOS 7
October 2013 - Apple ups the anti with a 64-bit iPhone and Samsung smartwatch reviews are in
> New iPhones and iOS 7 arrive
> Battery Life tips with iOS 7
> Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch now available
> Microsoft upgrading Surface Tablets
September 2013 - Can you really run office productivity apps on a tablet - and smartphones are here
> Renny to the Rescue
> App of the month - Dropbox
> Microsoft Office on a Tablet
> New camera lenses debut
August 2013 - Google steps up to the plate - and drops the other shoe
> Now it's Linked phishing schemes
> What's a Click Farm anyway?
> Did Google just drop the other shoe(phone)?
July 2013 - Technically Speaking - a whole new look - what do you think?
> The Apple (Empire) Strikes back
> Watch how entertainment is about to change
> Warning - don't take closeups of friends if you want to stay friends - the downside of cheap (phone) cameras
> App of the month - intellicast HD - weather app
June 2013 - Kazoos, Smartcars, Cucamonga, micro projectors and more
> A two company race
> My favorite apps
> Atari RIP - end of a gaming era
> Facebook phone flop
May 2013 - A simple fix for iPhone pics and Dorks are back
> Google Glass is here - well, almost
> Smartphone pictures not looking so great?
> Wireless speakers increasing in popularity
> Android is mostly Samsung
April 2013 - Why there's no purple in the rainbow and geriatric dentists
> Mobile Tech 101 class now available
> Is there a Dick Tracy watch in your future
> Native ads now sneaking up on you
> Getting ready to cut the cable?
March 2013 - Mobile security raising its ugly head and dying to Tweet
> New Mobile Tech 101 lecture now available
> Mobile device survey results
> Can you still Tweet when you are dead?
> The rapidly expanding conflicts in the wonderful world of Android
February 2013 - The mobile tech slog begins and your refrigerator may be watching you
> The interesting connection between Amazon - the biggest Android tablet seller - and Google
> Your refrigerator may be watching you and other CES silliness
> Minneapolis based Canopy announces new multi-touch iPhone case
January 2013 - Why "cheap" may not be the best deal and a 2013 prediction
> Microsoft tablet strategy could alienate partners
> Convergence is the word at 2013 CES
> Robots could be a disruptive force sooner than we think
> The beginning of the end for netbooks and eReaders
December 2012 - A guy using Apple maps walks into a bar - or maybe it's a church
> What's the deal with Apple maps anyway
> Christmas is coming and tablet decisions as well
> Looking for the perfect gift? - how about a connected TV
November 2012 - Microsoft tablet surfaces while Sandy shutters DC
> You can't buy love but you can buy "likes"
> Class action lawsuit may affect you
> Facebook gets all the press - LinkedIn may be the bigger story
October 2012 - A flock of new tablets means Christmas is coming
> Managing a "flock" of mobile devices
> Celebration and caution for iPhone users
> Shortened newsletters are here now
September 2012 - My app review is here; Windows tablets are coming and the dangers of Java
> Old video tapes degrading as you watch?
> Fending off the latest security threat
> The ongoing saga of dataplan changes
August 2012 - Photography, coming attractions and the OS Olympics
> Photography revisited
> Apple continues to break from Google
> Medium size tablets from Amazon and maybe Apple
July 2012 - Microsoft and Google bring tablet confusion and Verizon changes plans
> Microsoft and Google enter tablet fray
> Voyager I leaves the solar system - the ultimate mobile device
> iTunes likely to be reborn soon
June 2012 - Smartphones - dumb decisions, scary headlines and college computers
> How to choose a smartphone
> Choosing a computer for college
> Beer from and iPad!
> Windows 8 starts to roll out
> Lessons from the Facebook stock offering
May 2012 - Tablet choices, keyboards again and who are your friends really
> A 13 inch tablet and kid friendly versions as well
> Are we too connected for our own good
> Checking out the Samsung Galaxy Tab
> Touchscreens versus stuffed toy "grabbers"
April 2012 - Tablet keyboards make a difference and Scary Story Part 2
> Tablet or laptop - if only it were that simple
> Who's following you - part 2
> Confused about 4G
> Why small cameras can never be great cameras
March 2012 -The new iPad, what's 4G and who's watching you surf
> The "new"2012 iPad is here
> Is this a social media bubble
> Who's watching you - it turns out a lot of people
February 2012 - E-publishing; another applecart bites the dust
> New e-book publishing system introduced
> Yes you can run Windows on an iPad
> The Ultrabook - another choice in the quest for the perfect portable
January 2012 - That sure doesn't look like a camera
> Lightfield cameras
> Android upgrade issues
> Who are the current "big names" to watch
December 2011 - Modern Technology Glossary in plain English
>The Glossary is here
>Camera review
>Cell Phone Dataplans compared
November 2011 - What's the big deal with Siri and Android versus Apple again
> iPhone 4S review
> Android versus Apple - tablet versus smartphone
> Android is fragmented, does it matter?
October 2011 - Finally a new iPhone and demons in the mobile jungle
>The long delayed iPhone 4S - not 5 - is here
>HP, Motorola and other "giants" make waves in the mobile space
>A brief review of 4G cell phone service - it could drain your battery and your wallet
September 2011 - The all tablets all the time issue
>A detailed review of tablets and tablet issues
>The Microsoft effect
August 2011 - End of the Macbook and the Tech Market Today
>MacBook upstaged by sibling
>Apps galore - a look at my new favorites
>What's doing in tech today - a look at leading companies and products
July 2011 - Help, I'm drowning in acronyms and your student's next computer
>Are you paying too much for your dataplan?
>Surprise tech news about Harald I, King of Denmark
>Questions about the current and future iPad
June 2011 - Apple, Google and the Age of Cloud Computing - also the Rapture and Lady Gaga
>Mobile devices and the cloud
May 2011 - PCs, iPads and Five Wheeled Cars Plus More Cool Camera Apps
>Brief iPad review
>Feature wars and the five wheeled car
>Android upgrade report
>Cool photo editing apps
April 2011 - Camera Apps and Why the Experts Were Wrong
>A whole new way of looking at photography
>Are these people crazy?
>Why are there more apps for iPhones than for PCs
March 2011 - Viruses Threaten Smartphones and the iPad 2 Arrives
>What's the downside to Google's open Android OS?
>Charge cards they are achangin' - could NFC becoming soon?
>Touch screens are not all equal - try before you buy
February 2011 - Tablets - are they "Companion Computers?" and Don't friend the Queen!
>Tablet Facts
>The end of the Microsoft/Intel Era?
>We're running out of Internet addresses - fast!
January 2011 - Are Your Ready for Internet TV?
>Four questions before buying a new phone
>Ransomware - something else to worry about
>Great sources for information about Apple apps
>How Internet TV will change the our viewing habits
December 2010 - Getting Started with Mobile Devices and the End of an Age
>More of my favorite apps
>The Ugly Age of Computing
>News magazine dropping print subscriptions
>Android primer
November 2010 - Google and Apple - Coming soon to a living room near you and selecting an Android phone.
>Ebook readers for the holidays
>First salvos in the TV wars
>Bumping your phones - the new way to connect
October 2010 - Anniversary Issue: What a Difference a Year Makes and Another Camera Breakthrough.
>The Digital Dark Ages - a looming threat
>The tablet revolution is here
>Betters photos in sun and shade - even for the novice
>A technology refresher - back to the basics
September 2010 - Apples and Androids; Touch Screens and Facebook - again.
>Pen or stylus input
>More warnings on popular phishing schemes
>Three smartphone keyboards compared
August 2010 - Facebook's Future and Four Things You Need to Know.
>What about the Android OS?
>Don't Forget the PC
>The Party's Over with flat rates on data plans
>More ILC Cameras
July 2010 - Corporate Influence in Education and My First iPad Review.
>iPad Review: Part I
>Corporate Influence in Education - Undisclosed Connections
>New Name for New Four Thirds Cameras: Now ILCs
June 2010 - Computers and Congress - A Whole Lota Shakin' Goin' On.
>New Technology Giants Emerging
>"Convertible" Computers: Laptop and Tablet
>Is Print Dead?
>Will Congress Convert?
May 2010 - Buying a New Phone: You better be smarter than a fifth grader.
>Is the Age of Endless Upgrades Coming to an End?
>Smartphones: Making the Right Choice Just Got a Whole Lot Harder
April 2010 - Tablets, Netbooks and the Perfect Camera?
>New "Middle Class" Cameras Now Available
>Netbooks are a Bargain - What are the Pros and Cons?
March 2010 - Speech Recognition - Coming Soon to a Cell Phone Near You.
>Viruses, Worms and Botnets
>Battle of the Titans - Microsoft vs. Google
>We Need to Talk - Is Speech Recognition Ready
February 2010 - Tablets Versus eBooks - Hard Choices Ahead.
>Basic Digital Facts
>Tablet and eBook Comparison
January 2010 - Kiss Your Browser Goodbye
>Camera Controls Demystified
>A Whole New Internet Experience
>A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way
December 2009 - Cameras and the Cloud
>Decisions, Decisions - Compact or SLR Camera
>Cloud Computing
>Office Efficiency
November 2009 - Your Guide to Survival in the Digital Age
>Finding Great Photos
>VoIP Phones
>Office Technology Improvement