Friday, July 25, 2014

iDraw - a great iPad drawing app (3/14)

I've said before (if you can't find a good source, you can always quote yourself) drawing apps are a great use for tablets and  iDraw is one of the most powerful available. If a youngster you know is a budding designer and tablet lover, an app like iDraw or PadCad, which I've discussed previously, would be great learning tools. No, they're not free but at $15 for PadCad and $9 for iDraw they are certainly affordable for anyone but the stingiest user.

iDraw is my favorite. When PC software once cost hundreds of dollars, it's amazing that some people now complain about spending $2 on a good or great app. Click on the image above to read more about iDraw - worth every penny for the right user. Remember Facebook just paid $19 billion for one app!

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